Wednesday, December 22, 2010


For the last couple of months I haven't been feeling well and I could never really figure out what was wrong. The first rash outburst I knew it was more I even got sicker taking the medication. I kept getting this sick feeling it would come and go. I thougt it feels like something is going on in my system and I don't have a clue of what it could be. Every time a rash would come I would get this sick feelings that something is wrong but what could it be.

Then a week ago another rash this time on my chest and neck. That really scared me because I really don't want to have a rash on my face you know this beautiful face of mine. What else to do but go and see a doctor right. I was happy to get some medication anything to take the rash away. Still I felt that there was something more going on with me but still I couldn't diagnoise myself.

Call the doctor I did. I took myself back to the doctor this time hoping that she could just tell me right there and then what the problem would be. Although I've wanted and knew something was wrong I wasn't prepared to hear those words @#%^& I didn't want to believe it but I didn't want her to repeat that word. Come in and we'll do more test and just to be sure.

Now what does this mean for me? Why are you asking me I'm not a doctor. We will find out sound enough right. Think positive and thank God for the doctor. Maybe now I can get to the bottom of way I haven't been feeling well these last few months.

The doctor is in the house.

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