My blog is an opportunity for me to share my thoughts as I progress though life. I have the opportunity to share with others all the exciting things that is going on with me.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Christmas was fun as a child. Waiting for that time to run down the stairs and look for my gift and pull out the gifts that was under the tree. NOw that I think back on that time I have to say I am amazed at how my parents were able to make that happen for us seeing that it was so many of us. We would all get a gift. We did get the Good Felllow bags too. Those white panties and socks I would get and the candy in the little square box that we ate right away. It helped to make for a wonderful Christmas year after year. I remember taking the Good Fellow applications home a month before the holiday and helping my mother fill out the information for me to take back to school. It was funny returning to school and seeing so many kids with those same pair of socks or scraf and hat set.
Then I thought about the Christmases I had with Kirk while he was coming up. Our first Christmas alone and some organization knocking on my door Christmas Eve night with boxes of food, and some toys for Kirk. The gift of the Holly Hobbie because I wanted him to not think that a toy was for just a boy or a girl that it shouldn't matter that he should appreciate the differences. He liked it cooked on it a couple of times too. Pat and I would just over due it with the toys each year. I felt bad that he didn't have a sibling at home to compare gifts with. His firends would come over as soon as the sun would come up and play with him.
Oh and the Christmases at Christ Child House both in the early days when we had girls and boys and when it was just boys. The kids would all get new clothes and a teddy bear that the midnight staff would put in their rooms at night. I have to say I did like doing that when I worked the midnight shift. I felt like Santa's Helper when I had to put them out. One Christmas really sticks out when I was the superviser and on Christmas Eve we sung Christmas songs and read the Bible before they went to bed. The boys even said that was their best Christmas. Then watching them ripping opening their gifts paper flying all over the place. Scream of "my look what I got" and even tears of disappointment. Those were cool Christmases.
Christmas is a very special time of the year I'm glad we celebrate the birth of Christ. I think the exchanging of gifts is very nice. I still don't quite get where we get that from seeing God gave His Son but we didn't give Him anything in return. Maybe it's the Three Wise men that started it all. I do like Christmas. I thought about going to a Catholic Mass service this year. They just do a great job of celebrating Christmas I think.
Christmas is a beautiful celebration. Maybe this year I have another wonderful memory to store in the Christmas day slot of my mind. Merry Christmas everyone.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Then a week ago another rash this time on my chest and neck. That really scared me because I really don't want to have a rash on my face you know this beautiful face of mine. What else to do but go and see a doctor right. I was happy to get some medication anything to take the rash away. Still I felt that there was something more going on with me but still I couldn't diagnoise myself.
Call the doctor I did. I took myself back to the doctor this time hoping that she could just tell me right there and then what the problem would be. Although I've wanted and knew something was wrong I wasn't prepared to hear those words @#%^& I didn't want to believe it but I didn't want her to repeat that word. Come in and we'll do more test and just to be sure.
Now what does this mean for me? Why are you asking me I'm not a doctor. We will find out sound enough right. Think positive and thank God for the doctor. Maybe now I can get to the bottom of way I haven't been feeling well these last few months.
The doctor is in the house.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
I was giving the opportunity to talk about the show "Bag Lady" and how it all came about for me. Believe it or not I've been praciting for a couple of months what I would say if I did have a interview on the radio. Oh it was just the way I practiced it. I enjoyed sharing with others the wonderful experienced I had creating my show. It was awesome to tell about the miracle of my healing right from meeting Laura Jannika (Creative Memories) to going to Adventures in Excellence weekend. All those events that lead me to the woman I am today. It took all those experienced and meeting all those wonderful people that lead me to see the gift of writing and performing. As much as I wanted to write my heart could not lead me to write. Working with Donna Marie from I was able to let go of those emotions that had kept me frozen and I was not able to go deep within and heart and write from my heart.
I worked with Donna and I also was able to have the pleasure of going to Adventures In Excellence self development weekend and continue that healling process. Though that experience I was able to find my purpose in life which steered me in the directions of my heart to perform my one woman show. This has been a wonderful journey for me going from a woman that lived in my own pain to a woman that's on the radio. LIfe is filled with miracles and I've experienced my own miracle of emotional healing.
This was awesome sharing my story to the radio land. I hope you were able to hear me this morning. I'm sorry I wasn't able to tell everyone because I found out just this morning. I have to thank Fawn Reeves, my old, new friend that bought her friend, Rick to see my show last month. Because of him I was able to have this the chance to go on the radio.
You know I'm moving forward I know there's more wonderful and lovely adventures are coming my way. You know today the radio, tommorrow the big screen. Keep in touch and you will see.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Vista Meadows was shot and killed. I stared at the message for a long time not believing what I was reading. Pictures of the young ladies face continued to race though my mind. I could only ask why?
I liked this young lady very much. She would yell at me when I would have to ask her to put her cell phone away, or change her blouse but she would always come back in apologize to me. She would often share her candy with me because she knew I liked candy. I wanted to help young people I wanted to help them steer their lives in the right directions. I wanted to encourage them to go for their dreams. This hurts me so much to see that this young ladies dreams are now gone.
I am sad right now because there are so many young people that are racing to be in control of their lives that they're making some very dangerous choices and they're lives are being either taken too soon or imprisoning them. I continue to ask the questions why?
I remember when I was Micah's age I was a young mother. I was scared for my future and had lost my dream so many years before I didn't know how to dream. I was told at Micah's age that I was going to graduate from school that January. I didn't know what to do. The day I was told I could be in full control of my life I wanted to start all over I wanted another chance to do it right. I had to begin to think of my future I decided to go to college. Micah can't make that decisions now she's gone too soon.
As I sit here and write this the tears are forming in my eyes and I don't want to cry. I couldn't help Micah sometimes I feel like I can't help any of these young people. I watched a young man at work yesterday stand and talk about his goals for the future he stood there with prison orange on and talked about wanting to turn his life around and make something good of his life. Can he do that, yes he can. I want to believe that for him but I know it will take hard work to make it happen.
Will he leave one day too soon?
I think of Anne Frank a teenager that had so much promise and a dream that just wasn't going to go away. She left this planet too soon but her dream lives on forevery. Our young people are fighting a war that does not have to be fought. They are living their young lives as if they were in Germany waiting for someone to come and take their lives away. This does not have to be. All the drugs, sex, alocohol, money in the world is not worth this. This does not have to be. Our young people do not believe that because some where we are giving them the impressions that those things are the most important things in life. The truht is they are the most important people in our lives.
I have no answer to my questions of why. I can have hope that one day I can help a teenager see that they are of value to this world. Now I have to go and cry.
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010