Here is a picture of my job, Christ Child House. I've been working there for almost twenty years. Working here has been such a joy the children that live in this house has given me joy.
The other day after dinner we sat at the table and talked about all the things we were Thankful for. All the boys got up and said how thankful they were for being at Christ Child House.
I thought about how I whine about what I don't have and want I want all the time. Then I listened to the boys share how thankful they were that they had shelter, clothes,
food, school, and being at Christ Child House. God said He would supply us with all our needs. Here were boys some with no family, some unable to be with their family yet they could share just what they were thankful for with smiles on their face.
I am thankful for the years that I've been blessed to share myself with children over the years at Chirst Child House. They have given me so much. I've wondered what was my purpose and its been there all the time. My purpose was to be there for those children that can't be with their families. I have given them my love for children and they have given me that back and more.
This Thanksgiving I am thankful for Christ Child House.
I am blessed.