What does it take to be healed? When Kirk was around six he was hit by a bike and broke his leg. This was a very difficult time for Kirk and myself. For five weeks he wore a cast and sometimes when we would have to visit the he would add more cast over the broken area because the swellen had gone down. Kirk would scream with pain as he had to go though the process. Tears would run down my face like a river.
I compare my emotional healing with what my son had to go though with his physical healing. I am so blessed to have my confidant, Donna Marie right by my side though the process. She has been there pushing me though the memories that have swollen my emotions for years. She has lead me though each painful memory encouraging me to face those demons head on. When I meet her two years ago she asked me "How does one eat an elephant?" I looked at her puzzled because I didn't have the answer to that questions (I couldn't imgaine eating an elephant.) Her responds was "one bite at a time."
My healing takes one painful memory at a time. How fortunate I am to have this woman work though my emotional healing. After working with her now for two years I feel my wounds healing. I feel the layers of pain really and truly leaving my body. I feel the medicine of love flowing though my body. I feel it everyday now. I feel a love for me that I've never felt before. Donna has helped me experience real emotional healing.
Emotional Healing is real.
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