There were so many things that meant so much to me. I know now that I played the victim all my life, man big mistake, right. Everything I wanted to do I was told that girls don't do that. I wanted to be a baseball player and learned that there wasn't a professional baseball team for women. Everything that I dreamed of doing I was told that women didn't do. I really should take that back. I wanted to be a teacher and women could do that. That's what the world seemed like than women teaching and nothing else. Of course there were other things women could do but they were all in a box. Nothing that would push women to be more.
I watched lots and lots of television as a child like most kids. It was hard breaking to see that the super heroes were all men. You know Batman and Robin, Superman, Spiderman they were all men. I could keep up pretty much with my younger brother pretending that I too was a super-hero. When Cat Woman showed up on television I was delighted but was teased to no end because she was considered a bad villain in the show not a super hero. I just didn't see women as being a value human in the world.
Then came Wonder Woman. She was everything I had hoped and dreamed of. She fought and gave up a punch that would have the bad guy flying. She was smart too finding way to solve the complicated problem that the world was facing at that time on the show. She was strong lifting up cars and other objects that would stop the bad guy from destroying the world. She was pretty a looker to the guys. She was well built and fashionable too. She was more than any woman could be and fighting crime.
I wanted to be her she had brought hope to women all over the world. She was opening up eyes for little girls everyone. She had me beginning to think that I could be more than then what everyone had told me I could be. I could be Wonder Woman! I went to see the new movie last night and I was still impressed with her. Although I didn't know how to take the story line seemed more spiritual. It was good to see women preparing for battle, being strong and smart. I am woman!

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