I sung a song in high school titled "No man is an Island." I didn't quite understand that song than. On saturday I learned the true meaning of those lyrics.
My bedroom and extra room was driving me crazy. I was not happy in those rooms at all. I didn't know how to make it a room of beauty and organize, I was lost.
The Bible say "Ask and ye shall recieve." In my frustration I asked my Master Mind Group to beleve with me for assistance with assistance and organizing my room.
The group all volunteered right a way to assistance me with conquering my rooms. On Saturday they all came and made it happen. What a wonderful experience it was. I was humbled by the experience for sure. They saw the true Kim.
It turned out so beautiful. I even learned something about myself in the process. I was so grateful for friends that took time out of their busy schedule to help me. What a moving moment for me.
I have to take this moment to thank the Master Mind Grew, Jennifer B. (the grew leader), Jennifer L., Jennifer T., Cathy , Diana, Chris (the man) and me. To each of you I give my thanks because of your kindness my life is much better. Thank you for showing me what true friendship is all about.
How great to have friends like that! The ASK is so incredible. It is amazing we don't to it more!
Hi friend,
Sorry about tonight.
I am requesting painted wine glasses for my birthday. With balloons, candles, the works on them. I will buy the glasses.
Hey I'm asking.
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