I never dreamed that I would be able to write a book and people would really enjoy reading it. I've gotten calls from people telling me how much they have enjoyed reading the book. Two older people told me "when I should have been reading the Bible I was reading your book." I never imagined that it would be such a good read. I wanted to honor the wonderful people that crossed my path while at Vista Maria I wanted to share how much love I'd recieved while living with them. I think about those days very often and how much I grew and learned so much from those young ladies. Those girls had shared so much with me all their fears, saddness, dreams and hopes with me. It was like having a big pajama party everyday. I learned that people worship differently and more about a faith I knew nothing about. Writing my book was so much fun to go back and revisit all the people that touched my life so deeply. I learned about a race of people that I thought didn't care about me as an African American. I had the expeience to work at a job that would be my future. All of this I told in my book.
To learn that people who read it found it to be so inspirational was such a joy to me. One woman wrote and told me that she put my book on her book shelf right next to The Help and Anne Frank these are music to an author's ears. Me, Kim Kelsey, an author such a dream come true putting words on paper that told my story of staff and young ladies that help create me.You gotta get the book.