Tuesday, February 22, 2011


For many years I'd dreamed about acting and being on stage. This all started as a little girl at Goldbery Elementary school in Ms. Pears class. She would encouraged me to go on stage and performed every opportunity I could get. I just loved it. The dreamed began way back then.

In 2006 I began my self work with Donna Maria (dealwithstrees.com) then I went to Adventures In Excellence in Canada with Johanne Edwards Adventuresinexcellence.com). Both helped me to go deep and really look at the woman I had become a very scared, sad and lost woman. I didn't have a deep if I did I didn't know where it was. Between the two I was able to find that dream I had as a little girl in elementary school to perform.

In 2009, I did my very first show, Dancin Shoes, written and performed by me. I was living my dream. I since then have had the opportunity to perform again my own show Bag Lady. This has been just an wonderful adventure for me. I couldn't have done it if it wasn't for wonderful friends, and hard work. I was giving a song at Adventures that has encouraged me to really go and make it happen. I'm Comin Out by Diana Ross I am living that song.

On Saturday, March 5, 2011, I will be performing in the stage play The Vagina Monologue. I have a small part but yet a part. I have truly come out. I can not believe that I will be performing with several woman in a very popular show. I am so happy. I have come very long way. This is me living my dream to be on stage. I am so looking forward to that day when I can go on stage and read my part. I am really coming out.