In the plays I read as a child their were always a narrator who will tell the story. Narrator begins: Long, long ago their lived a middle aged woman that lived in a two family flat that she shared with a very good friend. They had shared this placed for many years. Over the years their friendship began to fade away. They didn't laugh and talk like they use too. They didn't share their thoughts about life and things about life like that had done over the years. They were just two people sharing a place. Kim began to feel it was time to move on and shared this with her best friend. This bought up words between the two that was never said before to each other. Those words were very hurtful words. Words that bought tears to her eyes. Kim didn't know what to deal with those words and decided that having friends wasn't a good thing because you never know what will happen and decided she would not make any more friends. Kim moved into an apartment all by herself. Kim felt it was better to live a life alone never to be friend anyone else again.
Kim: I am tired of being hurt. Tired of trusting people this is it. I will never ever have a friend ever again.
Narrator: Kim worked hard at making her statement to herself come true. The only thing she did was go to work and come home and watch television. She had friends that she had in her life for years and decided that this was all she needed. She would come home from work and many days she would cry. She thought about her life and how things just never seemed to work for her . She felt she was a failure. Kim began to build a very large wall around herself. Not letting anyone inside.